バルセロナで『盆点前教室』 をスタートしました。

ざ・抹茶はうすでは、2016年4月より 『茶道 - 盆点前教室』 をスタートしました。盆点前(ぼんてまえ)とはお盆を使った簡略なお点前で、限られた空間でも手軽にお茶を楽しむことができます。講師をしてくださったのは、前田ヌリア 先生(裏千家上級講師資格)。生徒さんは4人のみ、2時間にわたって丁寧にお教えくださいました。今回のお茶菓子は宮田みほさん作『桜の練りきり』。掛け軸は『和敬清寂』。ざ・抹茶はうすでは、今後も月1回のペースで盆手前のお稽古教室を続けていこうと思っております。

The Japanese tea ceremony is a special way of making green tea Matcha. It is also called Cha-no-yu. It is a Japanese cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of Matcha, stone ground high quality green tea.

"Bontemae" is a simple procedure for making Matcha (Usucha type). The tea bowl, tea whisk, tea scoop, chakin and tea caddy are placed on a try, and the hot water is prepared in a tetsubin(iron kettle). This is the first tea ceremony learned and is the easiest to perform, even though in a limited space, requiring neither much specialized equipment nor a lot of time to complete. It may easily be done sitting at a table, or outdoors.  

On 8th April of 2016 we started "Bontemae" Tea Ceremony classes in our tiny office that we have in Barcelona. The class was given by Nuria Maeda, tea master and assistant professor of the Urasenke School of Japan, in presenting the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony. It was one of our dreams to realize Tea Ceremony classes in Spain and we are so happy. We will try to continue giving more classes, probably once a month pace, in Barcelona.

