ざ・抹茶はうす 白川茶試飲会

昨日3月16日、日本ははるばる岐阜県白川町三川から、お茶の生産者の方々が3名、ざ・抹茶はうすのバルセロナ事務所まで来て下さいました。白川町が誇る上質煎茶、和紅茶等 の銘茶をプロの手で淹れて下さいました。お茶の買い付け、和紅茶の生産方法等、興味深いお話を沢山していただき、大変勉強になりました。貴重な体験をさせていただき、本当に有難うございまし た。On 16th March, 2016, three Japanese Tea producers from Gifu Prefecture, Japan visited The Matcha House's office in Barcelona. Gifu is in the middle of the island of Honshū of Japan and it is famous for its old beautiful village Hida-Takayama (飛騨高山). In this region, the tea producers produce Shirakawa brand tea such as Jyo-Sencha and Wa-Kocha. In 2 hours' tea tasting, we learned many things about how to produce Mikawa brand teas, how to make the perfect cup of tea, the difference between Aracha and Sencha, how to produce Wa-kocha (Japanese black tea)...etc. We were very happy to spend the valuable time with them. Thank you very much.
 ご協力 三川茶生産組合 りすや http://risuya.net

